How does the online exhibition work?
Stanisonne Art Gallery does every month online exhibitions, where photos of the selected artwork will be displayed on our website and also in a 3D virtual exhibition to create a real life experience. Every exhibition will have a different topic. Artists can apply to an open call for free and only if the artist is selected he will have to pay a selection fee. We will promote the exhibition and your artwork throughout the internet and on social media.
How to submit your application?
Click in the navigation menu of our website on ‘Calls for entry’ or use this link Calls for entry – Stanisonne Art Gallery and chose for which open call you want to apply and click on it. There you can read the description and click on the ‘Submit application for free’ button.
Is it free to submit my artwork?
Yes, it is completely free to submit your application for an open call. Only if you are selected you will have to pay a selection fee to be able to participate in the exhibition. No hidden cost, only an one time selection fee.
How much is the selection fee?
The selection fee is 36€, non-refundable. There will be no other costs. (It may differ depending on the project, always read what is written in the open call description.)
What payment methods are available?
You can pay via PayPal, SEPA Bank Transfer and credit card.
What do I benefit from participating in your projects?
Every project is different, but in every project you participate you will get a certificate for every artwork participating, social media badges, which you can share, we promote your artworks on our website, on social media and create a 3D virtual exhibition.
Every month there will be six artworks chosen to be promoted on the homepage of our Stanisonne Art Gallery website.
You will get your own artist profile page, where all the artworks you have participated with will be displayed, also your biography and artist statement.
The URL will be as follows: www.stanisonneartgallery.com/yourartistname
You have the opportunity, if you want, to share your website URL, social media profiles and email address, they will be displayed next to your artwork on your artist profile page, for artinterests to be able to find and contact you.
When will I be notified if selected?
If you are selected to participate in an exhibition, you will get a notification via email approximately a week after the deadline to apply to the open call has ended. In every open call description there will be the specific date of notification written.
What about the copyright of my artworks?
The copyright of your artwork and the photos will stay 100% yours. You only give us permission to promote your art via all different available channels and if necessary to adapt your picture size to the different social media formats and sizes. Everywhere you will be marked as the owner and you stay forever the owner.
For how long will my artwork be displayed in your gallery?
The duration of every online exhibition will be around a month. During this month the exhibition will be also available in 3D. After the exhibition has ended, it will be archived and available on our website forever, only as an onsite exhibition without the 3D virtual version.
Your artist profile with the artworks you participated with, will stay forever.
If selected, when do I have to pay the selection fee?
The email via which you will be notified that you have been selected will also contain a payment link via which you will be able to pay the fee. In the notification email you will be informed about the payment deadline.
What format and size should the pictures be?
The photos should be jpg, jpeg or png and the longest side should not be longer than 1200px, minimum 800px and the file not bigger than 1MB.
Do not forget to cut off visible background. Only your artwork should be visible.
In which person should I write my biography and artist statement?
It is important that your artist statement is written in first person. Your biography can be also written in first person or if you like in third, as if the gallery has written about you. Check out How to write an artist statement – Stanisonne Art Gallery
Can I make a change after submitting my application?
No, you cannot change anything after submission, therefore you should make sure everything in the submission form is filled out correct.
Can I submit artwork I do not want to sell?
Yes you can, you only have to write in the prize field, in the submission form, a zero ‘0’ and we will mark it as ‘Not for sale’.
What if someone is interested in my art and wants to buy it?
Every artlover that wants to buy something will be able to make a connection with you directly via the channels you give in the submission form(website, email, social media profile). You sell your artworks personally to the buyer, we do not participate in selling art.
Do you take any commission?
Stanisonne Art Gallery does not take any commission from selling art, because we do not participate in the selling process. We only promote your art. The buyer buys the artwork directly from the artist.
I sold an artwork which has a price on Stanisonne Art Gallery, what should I do?
Send us an email with your name and the name of the artwork and we will mark it as ‘Sold’.
Why are the exhibitions only online and not in person?
For now we chose to be solely an online gallery, because exhibitions in person have a high risk for the artwork of the artist
with shipping it back and forth, while online the exhibition is available for everyone around the globe 24/7
even after it ended, which is not possible if it were in person and you only ship your artwork once when you have sold it to the buyer.
To create the benefit for the eye looking at an exhibition online as if it was in person in a gallery, we use the 3d virtual exhibition, hence you get the feeling of the real exhibition with the benefits of the online world.